Donald Trump has now run for president a handful of times, and one consistent thread throughout each campaign is his ability to shock us with new, creative lies.
Here are 10 shockingly false things he’s said about his most recent opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris:
1. Donald Trump claimed Kamala Harris “turned Black.”
In reality, Harris has always identified with both her Black and Indian heritage. When she was a senator, her bio said she was, “the second African-American woman and first South Asian-American senator in history.”
2. Trump claimed Harris wore a hearing device during their only presidential debate.
In reality, Reuters found no evidence of Harris wearing an earpiece, and asserted that “Candidates were not allowed props, pre-written notes or interaction with their campaign staff during commercial breaks…”
3. Trump claimed Harris’s rally crowd was fake and AI-generated.
4. Trump claimed Harris wants to bring back the draft and force Americans to go to war.
In response, an aide for the Harris campaign told CNN, “We have no idea what he’s talking about.”
5. Trump claimed Harris was a Marxist, communist, and fascist.
In response, Harris’s campaign told Politifact that she’s a capitalist.
6. Trump claimed that Harris wants to take away Americans’ guns.
7. Trump claimed Harris has a plan to defund the police.
A fact check revealed Harris has not discussed plans to defund the police. She has discussed “reimagining public safety and how we achieve it.”
8. Trump claimed that Harris is pushing for the largest tax increase in American history.
9. Trump claimed when Harris was attorney general in California, she redefined “horrible” crimes as nonviolent.
A fact check revealed that Harris did not define those crimes as nonviolent. It explained that the California penal code specified 23 crimes as a “violent felony,” which means they, “merit special consideration when imposing a sentence to display society’s condemnation for these extraordinary crimes of violence against the person.”
10. And finally, Trump claimed Harris wants “open borders.”
In reality, Harris has stated that she supports increased border security and asylum restrictions if border crossings reach high rates.
What do you think about Trump’s shocking claims about Harris? Let us know in the comments.
In an interview with Oprah, Harris rejected that statement revealing that both she and her running mate Tim Walz are gun owners themselves.
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